Vitec Samfundssystem
Vitec Samfundssystem, a part of Vitec Software Group, develops niche software for customers within churches and pre-schools in Sweden. We’re a tight knit crew, located in Lund and in Stockholm, all working to make our customers’ everyday easier. We solve the tasks as a team, working as partners with our customers, developing and refining our systems over time. Always with a long-term perspective, because our customers rely on us – today and tomorrow.
Read more at our website here

”I came from a large, old established industrial company where I only got to do small parts of the job.”
Here at Vitec Samfundssystem, I get an overview and feel that I can contribute much more. Something that makes work fun is that we do this as a team, almost like an extended family. Everyone trusts everyone else to do their job, regardless of when. Which makes it easier for me to have time for my family.
Tomasz Szczepanski, Economist,
Vitec Samfundssystem, Sweden

”I enjoy working at a smaller company, while being supported by the strength and security of the Vitec Group – and having values that I think are obvious and natural.”
I’ve been with Vitec Samfundssystem, previously LJ System, since 2017. In my role as Product Owner, I have the benefit of working closely with both development and customer support. I really like working with our products and secure the customer value, as well as considering the future and what needs to be developed to meet coming needs. We work very close to our customers, which is something I highly value and appreciate. I have varied work tasks, high pace, short decision paths and no day is like the next. I also have great colleagues and there’s a tremendous spirit!
Marie Gustafsson, Product Owner,
Vitec Samfundssystem, Sweden

"There are a lot of things I like about working at Vitec Samfundssystem.”
It may sound as a cliché, but we really get freedom with both responsibility and accountability. And everyone’s contribution to creating customer value is genuinely appreciated. Another thing is that I get to follow the product throughout its whole lifecycle. In my role, development is crucial and I really feel I get the chances to grow that I need.
Mesfin Afewerk, Tech Lead,
Vitec Samfundssystem, Sweden

”I love working closely with other people, and here I have wonderful colleagues and fantastic customers.”
I truly like our values. Maybe mostly “Our products – our foundation” as that’s what our customers will be working with. I also like “Keep it simple” and I use both of them daily when working. Another good thing is the close contacts with our product owners. I can really convey our customers’ needs and get important changes made. And the positive feedback we get once the changes are made are a reward in themselves.
Anna Lindborg, Business consultant,
Vitec Samfundssystem, Sweden